
Choose the training that’s RIGHT for YOU. WSPS 2022 Catalogue.

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WHY JHSC CERTIFICATION TRAINING? It's the law. If you're a company with 20 or more workers, the law requires you to have a Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC). At least two members of a JHSC must be certified by completing special training.* JHSC certification also makes good business sense. When committee members are well-trained, they're better at identifying hazards and recommending improvements – and they're better health & safety leaders. CERTIFICATI N Solutions offered via VIRTUAL delivery * For mushroom, greenhouse, dairy, hog, cattle and poultry farming operations, JHSC certification training is required if there are 50 or more workers. WHY JHSC CERTIFICATION TRAINING? It's the law. If you're a company with 20 or more workers, the law requires you to have a Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC). At least two members of a JHSC must be certified by completing special training.* JHSC certification also makes good business sense. When committee members are well-trained, they're better at identifying hazards and recommending improvements – and they're better health & safety leaders.   CPO-APPROVED Distance Learning Provider

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