
Choose the training that’s RIGHT for YOU. WSPS 2022 Catalogue.

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DID YOU KNOW: When you hire a contractor, you are responsible for the safety of those workers in addition to your employees? Contact WSPS to learn more about our various solutions to help you effectively manage private contractors. Delivery | Public & Private  Duration | 1/2 DAY Hiring and Managing Outside contractors This course highlights the process, steps and responsibilities of hiring and managing private contractors. Construction in Industrial Establishments This course will cover Contractor safety in the context of construction industrial project. It will highlight defined roles and responsibilities within a project site. Delivery | Public & Private  Duration | 1 DAY Contractor and Construction Safety Program in Industrial Establishments This course is the amalgamation of the above two courses. CONTRACTOR SAFETY 8 |  2022 Catalogue   WSPS.CA   1 877 494 WSPS (9777)

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