WSPS Health and Safety Excellence program
WSPS Health and Safety Excellence program
Payment Methods:
Cheque (made payable to Workplace Safety & Prevention Services)
P.O. # ____________________________ Invoice (approved credit only)
Credit Card*
Contact Name: ____________________________________ Telephone #: ______________________
* If you would like to pay by credit card, please provide a contact name and telephone number.
A WSPS representative will call to obtain your credit card information.
All applications received will be reviewed by WSPS and you will be notified once your application has been
accepted. All fees are non-refundable once activation of the WSIB digital platform occurs, if a firm chooses
to leave the program, or if a firm is removed as a result of non conformance to the code of conduct or WSIB
employer guidelines. There will be no recognition given to firms who leave or are removed from the program.
Included in your Registration Fee:
Orientation meetings and topic sessions facilitated by Health and Safety professionals
One-on-one guidance from a WSPS representative through the program cycle
Access to the members website with a variety of tools and resources
Action plan evidence submission review prior to WSIB validation
Excellence program members and their employees are entitled to receive a 10% discount on selected
courses, conferences, workshops and consulting services