
2021 Health & Safety Leadership Surve...

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Overview WSPS.CA | 2021 HEALTH & SAFETY LEADERSHIP SURVEY WHITE PAPER 5 OVERVIEW OF PARTICIPANTS 1.  Which of the following best describes your position in your business or organization? TOTAL TOTAL 805 Senior Leader 14% C-suite executive (CEO, COO, CHRO)/Signing officer/Chairperson) 2% President 1% Vice-President/Director/Senior Executive Management 7% Owner/Principal/Partner 3% Management 65% Other senior management 11% Other management 26% Other 28% Human Resources role 21% 2.  When it comes to decisions regarding your organization's H&S strategy, which of the following would you say best represents your role? TOTAL TOTAL 805 Authorize – I am one of the primary decision-makers 22% Recommend – I am part of the decision-making process but not the final decision-maker 55% Consulted – I am consulted on decisions and have an influence, but am not directly involved in the process 16% Minimal involvement 6% No influence in the process 1%

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