
2021 Health & Safety Leadership Surve...

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©2021 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. All rights reserved. 4 OVERVIEW OF PARTICIPANTS CATEGORY DESCRIPTION 2019 2020 Leading Health and safety is treated as a strategic priority. Information is reported publicly, and board decisions take into account the impact on health and safety. 12% 17% Proactive Active board discussion and support aimed at enhancing management of health and safety 28% 38% Managing Focused on management of day-to-day health and safety. 33% 27% Reactive Focused on addressing health and safety issues as they arise. Focus remains on incident rates. 22% 15% Start of Journey Starting to understand what health and safety involves; focused on incident management. 4% 2% Totals may not equal 100 as figures are rounded off. TOTAL OF COMPLETED SURVEY RESPONDENTS = 805 The survey was completed by 805 respondents, just over double the number who responded in 2019. They represented a cross-section of industries and organizations of all sizes from across Canada. Of them, 65% were managers and 14% classified themselves as senior leaders. In all, 77% indicated that they were authorized to approve or were part of the health and safety decision- making process in their organizations. Respondents fell into five categories based on the level of development of health and safety in their workplaces. This year, we saw an increase in those taking a more proactive approach to health and safety and a drop in the less developed categories.

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