
Examining the impact of the HUGR AUTHENTIC CONNECTIONS

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11 19 [39]. Results indicated that unemployed individuals experienced higher psychological distress, loneliness, and lower overall quality of life. The study suggested that employed respondents could minimize their feelings of social isolation by remaining connected with their colleagues compared to unemployed respondents. Another study examined factors that impacted job satisfaction with remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic and found that positive employee relations and trust could positively impact job satisfaction and employee well-being during remote work [40]. In a Canadian sample, researchers found that job insecurity was a strong predictor of lower well-being [41]. However, workplace disaster preparedness, workplace programs for mental health support, and positive social relationships at work mitigated some of the effects of job insecurity on well-being. Summary of the development of the Hugr app project and research study From the first conversation in April 2020 to February 2021, there was a rapid development of a mental health app focused on supporting workers experiencing isolation and loneliness. This minimally viable product was named the Hugr Authentic Connections app (see The goal of this project was to create an interactive cognitive behavioural approach (CBA) app to help workers understand and recognize the risk of isolation and loneliness and get coaching on how to reduce isolation and build and maintain authentic connections. This app was designed as a preventive resiliency tool, not a treatment. It provided users with clear guidance that the app was a tool to support mental fitness (not a clinical intervention). The goal was lofty, and the timelines were short to produce a commercial-grade MVP that had all necessary security requirements to protect users. Within 30 days, WSPS provided the

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