
Examining the impact of the HUGR AUTHENTIC CONNECTIONS

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14 distribution on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store that have stringent approval requirements. The secondary funder for this project was the Johnston Group (Administrators of the Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan), who became a co-sponsor and contributed to building the app to offer it to their members from the Chambers of Commerce at no cost. The Johnston Group, along with their strategic partner Arete (a national provider of member mental health and assistance programs for employees, retirees, businesses and organizations in Canada), were hopeful that the app could become an evidence-based commercial product to support workers' mental fitness around isolation and loneliness and build authentic connections. A study was initiated in October 2020 through SMU to provide an independent evaluation of the app's effectiveness. This research project was approved by the institutional REB at SMU and conducted February-September 2021. Detailed results can be found in Appendix A. Through invitations and sharing this opportunity with the WSPS client base and connections from Territorial, 26 companies expressed some level of interest within a 60-day recruiting window in the fall of 2020. In February 2021, 16 companies signed up for the study and promoted the opportunity to access Hugr Authentic Connections app to their employees. A requirement to access the app with WSPS clients was to opt in to the research study. Of 22,402 employees invited to participate, 150 signed up by completing the first comprehensive assessment (0.67% opt-in rate). Chamber Plan members did not have to agree to participate in the research project in order to access the app. Not unexpectedly they therefore had much lower participation rates.

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