
Examining the impact of the HUGR AUTHENTIC CONNECTIONS

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7 and building authentic connections with a relatively small budget. This app would be piloted and tested with an independent, academic research study and made available to WSPS clients through the research project. Additional funding from the Johnston Group (Administrator of the Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan) was used to assist in the development of the app and assist in funding the research study. The goal was to obtain lessons for implementing a digital app as a workplace mental health solution targeting isolation, loneliness, and building and maintaining authentic connections. The Hugr Authentic Connections app research project allowed WSPS to offer its client base a digital mental health app, to be known as the Hugr Authentic Connections app. The app would be provided at no cost to support employees in the workplace as the first step to piloting and testing its effectiveness. Based on the results of this pilot, WSPS could potentially explore creating a commercial partnership to distribute Hugr Authentic Connections app through its future Roadmap micro-site as a cost-effective, scalable, evidence-based mental health product to support employees struggling with isolation and loneliness. Given how the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically impacted how work is organized, there is a need for this kind of product. Furthermore, there is a high potential for a larger percentage of employees to continue to work remotely (e.g., hybrid workforce), which suggests the need for this type of product is likely to remain and increase. The Loneliness Epidemic Before the COVID-19 pandemic, many employers may have been unaware of that isolation and loneliness are a massive population health challenge. In 2017, United States Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy declared that loneliness was an "epidemic" and a serious public health concern [9]. Numerous studies show significant rates of loneliness and social

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