
Examining the impact of the HUGR AUTHENTIC CONNECTIONS

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8 isolation. In 2018, 22% of United States adults said they often or always feel lonely or socially isolated [10], and in a 2019 study, one in five Canadians identified as lonely [11]. In 2018, the United Kingdom appointed a "minister for loneliness" to address the issue [12]. Social connection has long been known to be a basic human need [13], and numerous studies have shown that loneliness and social isolation significantly impact health. A meta- analysis of 148 prospective studies, which included 300,000 participants, found that having a more robust social connection was associated with 50% greater odds of survival [14]. Furthermore, the risk to mortality of the adverse effects of social isolation may be comparable to or greater than other well-established mortality risk factors such as smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity [15]. Social connection also has buffering effects on other chronic health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, depression, and anxiety. It benefits other health characteristics such as mobility and functioning in activities of daily living [16]. In contrast, loneliness has been shown to negatively affect deteriorating cardiovascular health and contribute to increased risk of dementia, poor sleep patterns, gait speed and mobility, and biological function [16]. One study found that loneliness increases the chance of stroke or coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death in developed countries, by 30% [17]. Loneliness can also increase negative thoughts and reduce resilience. Rates of stress and depression are higher in lonely individuals than those who are not lonely, and increases the development and progression of physical illness and disease [16], [18]. The COVID-19 pandemic's strain on social connections The COVID-19 pandemic has brought an unprecedented impact on social connections. Remote work, lockdowns, and quarantines all significantly impacted social connections.

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