
Examining the impact of the HUGR AUTHENTIC CONNECTIONS

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13 example, The Lancet recently reported why employers must pay attention to isolation and loneliness. Regarding "the workers assigned periods of perceived isolation," it highlighted that even less than 10 days of isolation can have long-term effects, including psychiatric symptoms up to three years later [43]. With more employees working remotely nearly half of employees in one survey by World Economic Forum and Ipsos reported feeling isolated and lonely [44]. Workers' short-term disability claims due to mental health issues increased by 6% and the duration increased by 12% in 2021 [45]. The next step in this journey was to develop the content for the app. This began with Dr. Howatt writing The Cure for Loneliness in April to June 2020 that became a Globe and Mail bestseller. Content was taken from early galley versions of this book and modified by Dr. Bill Howatt and Territorial for the Hugr AC app. The app content includes: non-clinical assessments, resiliency tools, cognitive behavioural approach (CBA) educational modules, and insights on building and maintaining authentic connections. Once the content was prepared, Territorial worked with Dr. Howatt to take the content from the book to create a digital solution for loneliness and social isolation in the workplace. The goal was to develop a program that facilitated the journey mapped out in The Cure for Loneliness, designed to assist a person in addressing perceived internal barriers to building and maintaining authentic connections. WSPS was involved in the design and development through weekly meetings with Dr. Howatt and Territorial over five months of development. Once developed the app was piloted within the target population that was invited to participate in this study by WSPS and Territorial. The Territorial team took several additional technical steps, including producing eight version updates for ongoing improvement, meeting security standards, and getting the app approved for

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