
Examining the impact of the HUGR AUTHENTIC CONNECTIONS

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15 These results demonstrated one of the first challenges with the app, which was how to effectively on-board organizations to offer a mental health app and how best to engage employees. Some of the first organizations approached were uncertain about how the app might add to or be unique from existing services. We provided information that there may be gaps in understanding the complexity of isolation or loneliness and how a CBA approach could be helpful. Some organizations were uncertain about their role in offering the app (e.g., "What's my responsibility?") regarding supporting employees. Unlike many other mental health apps, Hugr Authentic Connections app was presented as a standalone solution with no employer role. One key lesson when orienting to a mental health app was the need for focused and strategic on- boarding that includes thoughtful client education that provides a clear link to how the app supports or adds to existing mental health initiatives. Based on feedback from organizations, one agile response our team took was a change in the recruiting process, where education was layered in. For example, the on-boarding process for organizations was changed to provide more information and context, resulting in several webinars delivered by Dr. Howatt on "Jasmine's Journey." These webinars followed a fictitious employee, "Jasmine", and explained the CBA approach used in Hugr Authentic Connections app. In addition, several blogs, facilitated through WSPS resources and networks, provided more information for organizations. Despite some hesitancies, many organizations approached were open and responded favourably to the idea of the resource, recognizing it was addressing a key concern (i.e., social isolation and loneliness) for many during the pandemic. However, some did not have the capacity to promote the app to their workforce properly or were unclear how to best position it

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