
Examining the impact of the HUGR AUTHENTIC CONNECTIONS

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6 (e.g., remote work) mounted. Media reports highlighted the growing concern for employees' isolation and loneliness. One key issue described by Dr. Howatt was the challenge for employers to support employee isolation and loneliness because neither meets clinical diagnostic criteria in the DSM- V. There is no "disorder" associated with feeling isolated or lonely that could lead to disability supports or accommodations. In other words, employees cannot get disability leave for feeling isolated or lonely; they must have another mental illness. From Dr. Howatt's 30 years of clinical experience, it was clear that we are now in a grey zone, as there is ample evidence that isolation and loneliness, if not managed, could negatively impact employees' mental health [7]. Additionally, within the workplace context, when not correctly managed, isolation and loneliness can result in mental injury that can impair an employee's ability to perform, productivity, emotional well-being, and perceived psychological safety. The COVID-19 pandemic sparked an increased interest in applying cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) provided online for the treatment of anxiety and depression. Governments spent millions of dollars to help the general public access CBT. For example, the Government of Ontario offered online CBT to all residents aged 16 and older [8]. After conducting a review of available digital apps that used CBT or were designed for prevention using a cognitive behavioural approach (CPA) to support employees who felt isolated or lonely, it was determined there was a gap in the market. There was an opportunity to provide an accessible, low-cost solution for employers to support their workers facing the mental health concerns of isolation and loneliness. As a leader in workplace mental health in Ontario, WSPS decided to fund the development of a minimally viable product (MVP) digital app focused on isolation, loneliness,

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