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Mental Harm Prevention: 13+ Workplace Factors Toolkits

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13+ Workplace Factors Toolkits | MARCH 2022 9 BACK TO CONTENTS If you are interested in improving civility and respect in your workplace, WSPS has carefully curated a selection of resources for you to explore: • On the Agenda is a free series of workshop materials and facilitator tools created by Workplace Strategies for Mental Health to address all 13 workplace factors. Use Putting Civility and Respect on the Agenda to focus on factor 4, civility and respect. • The Mental Health Commission of Canada has created a helpful guide titled A Practical Toolkit to Help Employers Build an Inclusive Workforce. This resource is meant to help those with human resources, wellness and diversity responsibilities increase accessibility and inclusiveness in their workplace and to address the needs of workers living with mental illness. Because recruitment, retention and support policies and practices affect everyone, the toolkit draws on the insights of workers with experience of mental illness as well as their co-workers and managers. • British Columbia Public Service released guidelines on using inclusive language in the workplace titled Words Matter, which includes guiding principles and suggestions to support using inclusive language in the workplace. The guide explains that talking about inclusive language welcomes diverse people into conversations and offers the potential to deepen understanding and connection. • WSPS has created a Workplace Violence and Harassment Toolbox which contains information, tools and assessments that can be useful to employers as they identify hazards and risks related to preventing violence and harassment. Don't forget to check out other Workplace Factors. FACTOR 4: CIVILITY AND RESPECT

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