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Mental Harm Prevention: 13+ Workplace Factors Toolkits

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13+ Workplace Factors Toolkits | MARCH 2022 3 BACK TO CONTENTS FACTOR 1: ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE If you are interested in improving organizational culture in your workplace, WSPS has carefully curated a selection of resources for you to explore: On the Agenda is a free series of workshop materials and facilitator tools created by Workplace Strategies for Mental Health to address all 13 workplace factors. Use Putting Organizational Culture on the Agenda to focus on factor 1, organizational culture. Every quarter, the People Science team at Glint do a deep dive into global employee engagement and workforce data to better understand how organizations can help employees be happy and successful at work. Take a look at this infographic summarizing their results to gain insight into the current climate, trends and takeaways from the analysis. Gallup uses a research-driven approach to help leaders define, achieve and sustain a culture that prioritizes the success of its employees. In their Approach to Culture report, Gallup summarizes various aspects of workplace culture, including what it is, why it matters, how to measure it and how to improve it. Better is a podcast series from Great Place to Work that offers tips, strategies and advice from executives at Certified companies that make workplace culture a top priority. In episode 4, Colleagues Who Feel Like Family, Chief Administrative Officer at Nationwide Gale King talks about how she instilled a family-like culture within her organization and the benefits she saw as a result. Workplace Strategies for Mental Health has collected their wealth of resources on Organizational Culture into one convenient page. The resource begins with key questions leaders can ask to identify strengths and opportunities within organizations to create or to improve a psychologically safe organizational culture. Don't forget to check out other Workplace Factors.

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