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Mental Harm Prevention: 13+ Workplace Factors Toolkits

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13+ Workplace Factors Toolkits | MARCH 2022 7 BACK TO CONTENTS FACTOR 3: CLEAR LEADERSHIP AND EXPECTATIONS If you are interested in improving clear leadership and expectation in your workplace, WSPS has carefully curated a selection of resources for you to explore: On the Agenda is a free series of workshop materials and facilitator tools created by Workplace Strategies for Mental Health to address all 13 workplace factors. Use Putting Clear Leadership and Expectations on the Agenda to focus on factor 3, clear leadership and expectations. MyWorkplaceHealth has created a resource page that outlines the Importance of Clear Leadership. Use this resource to learn more about the factor, why it is important as well as some suggestions for improving clear leadership and expectations within your organization. Workplace Strategies for Mental Health has created a landing page for leaders looking to lead with psychological safety in mind. The Approaches for People Leaders page contains various resources including workshop materials, activities and fact sheets to help you lead with a more people-first approach. This Mentoring and Essential Skills tool from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada will help employers support the development of essential skills in the workplace through mentoring. It supports the development of an informal mentoring system in the workplace and includes tools that can help develop and maintain positive and successful mentoring relationships. Don't forget to check out other Workplace Factors.

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