Guides & Toolkits

Moving to Action – Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Primer

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Moving to Action Implementing Workplace Safety & Prevention Services' Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Find Conference Board research at 21 The following nine programs were selected by WSPS, based on the most common programs that organizations adopt to support mental health initiatives. Employees did not all have experience with the same vendor or program. 1. Employee family assistance program (EFAP) 2. Mental health training 3. Resiliency training 4. Wellness initiatives 5. Return-to-work policies and procedures 6. Professional development 7. Respectful workplace training* 8. Paramedical services (i.e., drug benefits and psychological support) 9. Disability management policy and programs* *Not enough data to be included in the program analysis. Cost of Doing Nothing (CODN) benchmark. The Cost of Doing Nothing (CODN) Calculator is a tool that factors in metrics important to organizations. The metrics include the MFI, absenteeism, presenteeism, and discretionary effort in order to calculate the savings lost due to reduced mental health. By using the calculator, this activity established a benchmark for the return on investment that employers can use. A CODN calculator will generate an output to help support the business case for implementing a mental health strategy. External subject matter experts review. Six leading subject matter experts in psychological health and safety, familiar with Psychological Health and Safety Management Systems, participated in a two-hour focus group. (See "Subject matter experts.") The purpose of the focus group was to inform the development of the Roadmap. The experts were sent one question to consider prior to attending the focus group: "What are the three things you believe an employer can do to impact psychological health and safety in the workplace?" Their responses to the questions were compiled. Four notetakers captured information from the focus group. Key themes for the gap analyses were selected if they were recurring in the notes or questions. This feedback was considered in the development and finalizing this primer. Subject matter experts Dr. Martin Shain, Principal and Founder, Neighbour at Work Centre Dr. Ian Arnold, Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety Speciality, Mental Health Innovations Drew Douglas, Health and Safety Supervisor, Chippewas of Rama First Nation Sapna Mahajan, Director, Programs and Priorities, Mental Health Commission of Canada Mary-Lou MacDonald, National Practice Lead Health and Performance, HUB International Jeremy Shorthouse, Director, Health and Safety, Give and Go Prepared Foods

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