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Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap Building Block 4: Leadership

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Step 1 – What is a Great Leader? 8 Highly Capable Individual Contributing Team Member Competent Manager Effective Leader The Executive Executives have the unique capability to develop a company's greatness through what Collins identifies as "a paradoxical combination of personal humility plus professional will." Building on Collin's research and Edmond's research on psychological safety, the leader may have one of the single most important roles in shaping and influencing inclusion, psychological safety and the employee experience. Jim Collins studied 1,435 companies, and compiled a list of 11 of those he noted to be good-to- great. These 11 companies all had exceptional management as key distinguishing factors. Collins, J. (2017, March 6). Level 5 Leadership: The Triumph of Humility and Fierce Resolve. Harvard Business Review.

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