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MLTSD Warehousing (Ergonomics) Initiative FAQ

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Initiative Overview and Focus Why focus on warehousing? Injury data from the WSIB Transportation and Warehousing industry shows that in 2020: Musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) and lost-time injury rates were above the provincial average The industry had the second highest MSD rate out of all WSIB industries: 31% of all injuries were MSDs Manual material handling where ladders are involved not only exposes workers to a musculoskeletal disorder hazard but also a fall hazard. Within the broader industrial workplace sector workers being struck by objects and equipment accounted for 28% of allowed lost time claims received by the WSIB in 2018. The initiative provides the opportunity: To work closely with health and safety partners, such as WSPS, and labour and employer groups to raise awareness of the MSD hazards and the resources available to workplace parties to control the risks To promote compliance with the OHSA and its regulations Frequently Asked Questions WSPS & Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development WAREHOUSING (ERGONOMICS) INITIATIVE WSPS.CA

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