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MLTSD Warehousing (Ergonomics) Initiative FAQ

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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 3 © 2022, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS & Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development WAREHOUSING (Ergonomics) INITIATIVE What can I expect? During a visit from an MLTSD ergonomist to your workplace, an administrative review will be completed. As part of the administrative review, ministry ergonomists may ask if: There have been any lost-time injuries or fatalities related to MSDs, falls from ladders, or struck-bys from vehicles/mobile equipment There are any policies or procedures to address these hazards The Joint Health and Safety Committee or health and safety representative has reviewed any tasks related to the focus of the initiative Material storage, manual handling of items, working from ladders, and vehicle/pedestrian interaction are included in workplace inspections and if workers are being engaged in discussions about these topics What information and instruction are being provided to workers on these topics Regional ergonomists may check that workers are performing manual material handling activities in a safe manner, including: lifting and lowering of items – how materials are being stored – how materials are accessed from high locations – weights, repetition, postures – characteristics of materials (size, shape, slippery, etc.) pushing and pulling of objects and carts – force required – maintenance of carts – condition of the floor – over-stacking of carts manual material handling conditions due to obstructions or piled materials in aisles WSPS.CA

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