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MLTSD Warehousing (Ergonomics) Initiative FAQ

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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 8 © 2022, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS & Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development WAREHOUSING (Ergonomics) INITIATIVE What do ladders and visibility have to do with ergonomics? Ergonomics can protect workers from falling from a height (for example, when using a ladder). The task the worker is doing, their posture and how much force they are exerting play a major role in causing a fall. Factors that can influence balance and the risk of a fall include: body size and stature postures assumed points of contact forces and loads applied the size of the base of the support For more information visit: Ergonomics can reduce the visibility hazards that can lead to a worker being struck by a vehicle or mobile equipment. Generally, these incidents occur when the operator of a vehicle or mobile equipment: cannot see a worker doesn't notice a worker even though they were in their line of sight For more information visit: WSPS.CA

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