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Guidelines for Supervisors - Ensuring...

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Guidelines For Supervisors – Ensuring Safe Lifting and Manual Material Handling in the Workplace 3 310-BJS-03-IGPA © 2022, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Safe Manual Material Handling Pushing Pushing loads is preferable Does it involve less work by the muscles of the lower back? Does it generally allow for better visibility? Similar to safe lifting techniques Can I bend my knees and keep my back straight? Can I use my body weight and lean into push? Can I drive with the legs? Can I tighten my core? Can I maintain a bend in the elbows? Can I look forward? Is it possible to avoid twisting? Pulling Can I maintain good balance and a good base of support? Can I bend my knees? Can I tighten my core muscles? Can I face the object I am pulling? Is it possible to take small, backward steps? Carrying Is it possible to maintain a secure grip? Is it possible for me not to twist my back/hips but instead, move my feet to turn instead? Can I keep the load as close to my body as possible with my elbows close to my sides? Carrying long distances can lead to fatigue. Is it possible to set the load down and rest for a few minutes? Source: Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders (CRE-MSD), 2019.

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