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Guidelines for Supervisors - Ensuring...

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Guidelines For Supervisors – Ensuring Safe Lifting and Manual Material Handling in the Workplace 7 310-BJS-03-IGPA © 2022, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Introduce Practice Exercise for Pushing, Pulling and/or Carrying Introduce the practice exercise of pushing, pulling and/or carrying. Demonstrate the proper techniques for manual material handling using props from your workplace such as carts, or boxes used for carrying. Tell participants: "Now you will have a chance to try this technique out for yourself so we can be sure that everyone is doing this correctly." Explain how the practice segment will run. (Choose from Options 1 and 2 on next page) Option 1 – To be used if group is small enough for individual feedback from supervisor. Explain that each person will need to demonstrate the manual material handling activity, step-by-step, and get feedback. They are responsible to push/pull/carry. Observe each person – one at a time – and provide feedback based on handling techniques. Use an empty box – that represents a real life object – or, alternatively, have your workers practice this technique in the actual work setting using materials they are responsible to push/pull/carry. When observing individuals, be sure to stop them if they are not following the steps correctly. Encourage them to keep practicing until they get the steps down correctly. Provide positive feedback whenever you can. Option 2 – To be used if group is larger than 10 people. Follow same approach as in Option One, but have people in the group assume the observer role. Have workers pair up to practice. Explain that each person will need to demonstrate the technique, step-by-step, and get feedback from their partner. After that, partners reverse roles. Circulate throughout the room and provide feedback if you see that partners are not properly demonstrating the technique. Re-demonstrate the push/pull/carry and encourage them to keep trying until they master the steps. Don't forget to give some positive feedback. Ask for any questions or comments. Conclusion Close the safety talk by answering questions. Ask the group: "Now that you have had an opportunity to practice this technique, what questions do you have?" Explain to the group: If you need help, ask for assistance. Let people know that other safe lifting and MMH techniques will be discussed in future sessions. Thank the participants for participating and discuss next steps (such as dates of upcoming sessions).

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