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Guidelines for Supervisors - Ensuring...

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Guidelines For Supervisors – Ensuring Safe Lifting and Manual Material Handling in the Workplace 10 310-BJS-03-IGPA © 2022, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Lifting Banquet/Large Trays Bent knees Slid tray so weight is distributed on neutral wrist with palm up in front Walked forward while lifting Lifting Objects Requiring Two People Assessed the situation first Checked the path for trip hazards Checked the lighting to be sure it is sufficient Checked the object to be lifted for weight sticker or handles Nudged the object to get a sense of how much it weighs Found someone of similar height and strength to assist Decided on a communication method and chose one person to direct the lift Bent the knees Feet shoulder width apart Grasped the object firmly Used cup grip Used handles Lifted the object at same time Kept the back as straight as possible using legs and buttock muscles versus the spine Walked in the same direction (if possible) and at the same pace Placed the object down at the same time © 2022, WSPS. All rights reserved.

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