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Guidelines for Supervisors - Ensuring...

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Guidelines For Supervisors – Ensuring Safe Lifting and Manual Material Handling in the Workplace 12 310-BJS-03-IGPA © 2022, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Lifting Objects From the Floor or Below the Waist Assessed the situation first Checked the path for trip hazards Checked the lighting to be sure it is sufficient Checked the object to be lifted for weight sticker or handles Nudged the object to get a sense of how much it weighs Selected the appropriate training (Ten steps from training on Basic Lifting Techniques) Chest and feet faced the direction the person needed to go Object was placed on shelf, etc., and then pushed into place © 2022, WSPS. All rights reserved. Lifting Objects at Waist Height Off Shelving Assessed the situation first Checked the path for trip hazards Checked the lighting to be sure it is sufficient Checked the object to be lifted for weight sticker or handles Slid the object to the edge of the shelf before lifting it Placed feet shoulder width apart Kept back as straight as possible and ensure good grip Back up, turned using feet – did not twist body © 2022, WSPS. All rights reserved.

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