Guides & Toolkits

Guidelines for Supervisors - Ensuring...

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Guidelines For Supervisors – Ensuring Safe Lifting and Manual Material Handling in the Workplace 2 310-BJS-03-IGPA © 2022, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Critical Questions to Assess Safe Lifting and Manual Material Handling Factors Coach staff to ask these questions BEFORE they lift/move: Who is doing the lifting/moving (person)? Am I strong enough to manage the lift/move alone? Is my height a factor? (i.e., "Am I trying to lift/move something from an overhead shelf?") Am I already fatigued from other tasks? Do I need protective equipment? What is being lifted/moved (object)? What is the weight of the object? How much force is required to lift/move it? What is the shape of it? Is the object stable? Is the object hot or cold? Does the object have sharp edges? Can I get a grip on the object easily? Can I see where I'm going while carrying the object? What is the lifting/moving task? How long will the lift/move take? How far will the object be carried? Does the lift/move require an awkward posture, twisting or bending? What are the demands associated with the task (i.e., time pressure)? Will this lift/move be repeated often? If the lift/move will be repeated, will there be time to rest between lifts/moves? Is help available if necessary (another person or equipment)? Where is the lift/move taking place (environment)? Are the floors slippery or uneven? Is there enough light to see what I am doing? Is the environment very hot or cold? Are there any obstacles in the way? Does the workplace layout make the task more difficult than it should be? Is the workplace noisy?

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