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Handling Large Animals Safely Fact Sheet

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HANDLING LARGE ANIMALS SAFELY 5 380-BKI-01-IAOT © 2022, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | When you are inside a handling facility or milking lane, always leave yourself a way to get out if it becomes necessary. Try to avoid entering a small area enclosed with large animals unless it is equipped with a man gate that you can get to easily. Never prod animals if they have no place to go. HOUSEKEEPING Keeping your work area clean and free of debris will help provide a safe working environment. Check for and eliminate any sharp corners or protrusions in walkways. Check to ensure that all latches and levers cannot fly open easily. Clean concrete ramps and floors regularly to prevent slips and trips. Keep pitchforks and other sharp tools stored properly out of walkways. CATTLE Accidents with beef cattle tend to occur while the victim is handling the livestock. Beef cattle are known for an even disposition, but can be startled and inflict injury to anyone in their way. Groups of animals are easy to spook. Bovines can see nearly 360 degrees without moving their heads. Therefore, a quick movement behind is just as apt to set them off as a frontal one. Dairy cows may look contented in the pasture, but they are generally more nervous than other animals. Creatures of habit, they are easily startled especially by strange noises and persons.++ Always announce your presence when approaching a cow. Gently touch the animal rather than let the first contact be a bump or shove. When moving cows into a constraining space such as a milking parlor stall or squeeze chute, give them time to adjust before starting the work at hand. If a cow tends to kick, consider using a hobble. Do not permit workers to talk loudly, clatter and bang equipment around or handle cows roughly. Gentle cows can become dangerous when defending calves. This fact should be impressed to children, visitors and new workers. WSPS.CA

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