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Passer à l’action – guide de prévention des dommages psycho

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28 Accédez aux recherches du Conference Board sur Annexe D | Le Conference Board du Canada Howatt, B., L. Bradley, J. Adams, S. Mahajan et S. Kennedy. Understanding Mental Health, Mental Illness, and Their Impacts in the Workplace. Ottawa, Commission de la santé mentale du Canada et Morneau Shepell, 2017. Howatt, B., K. Vanbuskirk et J. Adams. Facilitating a Safe and Respectful Workplace. Canadian HR Reporter, Canadian Occupational Safety et Le Conference Board du Canada, Consulté le 20 juillet 2020. Knaak, Stephanie, Ed Mantler et Andrew Szeto. « Mental Illness-Related Stigma in Healthcare ». Healthcare Management Forum 30, n o 2 (16 mars 2017): 111–16. Kunyk, Diane, Morgan Craig-Broadwith, Heather Morris, Ruth Diaz, Emilene Reisdorfer et JianLi Wang. « Employers' Perceptions and Attitudes Toward the Canadian National Standard on Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace: A Qualitative Study ». International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 44 (janvier 2016): 41–47. Leahy, J. P. Bridging the Expectation Gap: The Key to Happiness. Bloomington, IN, AuthorHouse, 2006. Leka, Stavroula et Aditya Jain. Mental Health in the Workplace in Europe—Consensus Paper. Bruxelles, Compass for Action on Mental Health and Well-Being, 2014. Li, J. « Potential Barriers and Facilitators to Small Businesses Adopting a Psychological Health and Safety Management System ». Thèse, Burnaby, Simon Fraser University, 2018. Commission de la santé mentale du Canada. Case Study Research Project Findings: The National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. 2014–2017. Ottawa, CSMC, 2017. —. Psychological Health and Safety: An Action Guide for Employers. Ottawa, CSMC, 2012. Moreno-Jiménez, Bernardo, Alfredo Rodríguez- Muñoz, Juan Carlos Pastor, Ana Isabel Sanz-Vergel et Eva Garrosa. « The Moderating Effects of Psychological Detachment and Thoughts of Revenge in Workplace Bullying ». Personality and Individual Differences 46, n o 3 (février 2009): 359–64. j.paid.2008.10.031. Peart, N. « Making Work Less Stressful and More Engaging for Your Employees ». Harvard Business Review, 2019. and-more-engaging-for-your-employees. Rogers, Eamonn, Andrea N. Polonijo et Richard M. Carpiano. « Getting By With a Little Help From Friends and Colleagues: Testing How Residents' Social Support Networks Affect Loneliness and Burnout ». Canadian Family Physician/Medecin de Famille Canadien 62, n o 11 (novembre 2016) : e677– 83. Sanofi Canada. The Sanofi Canada Healthcare Survey: Closing Knowledge Gaps. Montréal, Transcontinental Media G.P., 2019. Santas, Gulcan, Oguz Isik et Azime Demir. « The Effect of Loneliness at Work; Work Stress on Work Alienation and Work Alienation on Employees' Performance in Turkish Health Care Institution ». South Asian Journal of Management Sciences 10, n o 2 (2016): 30–38. Tamrakar, T., J. Langtry, M. Shevlin, T. Reid et J. Murphy. « Profiling and Predicting Help-Seeking Behaviour Among Trauma-Exposed UK Firefighters ». European Journal of Psychotraumatology 11, n o 1 (31 décembre 2020): 1721144. 20008198.2020.1721144. Wernick, Michael. 2016-2019 Mental Health Progress Report: The Canadian Public Service Experience. Ottawa, Gouvernement du Canada, Bureau du Conseil privé, 2019. Organisation mondiale de la santé. « WHO Constitution ». « Re : Work ». Consulté le 20 juillet 2020. who-we- are/constitution. Wright, Sarah. « Coping With Loneliness at Work ». 2014, Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l'assurance contre les accidents du travail. « Programme d'excellence en matière de santé et de sécurité de la CSPAAT ». Toronto, CSPAAT, 2019.

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