
2022 Health & Safety Leadership Survey White Paper

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WSPS.CA | 2022 HEALTH & SAFETY LEADERSHIP SURVEY WHITE PAPER 9 KEY SURVEY FINDINGS VS 2020 VS 2019 Leading  17% — +5 H&S is treated as a strategic priority. Information reported publicly. Board decisions take into account the impact on H&S. Proactive 29% -11 +1 Active board discussion and support aimed at enhancing management of H&S. Managing 34% +7 +1 Focused on management of day to day H&S. Reactive 16% +1 -6 Focused on addressing H&S issues as they arise. Focus remains on incident rates. Start of journey 4% +2 — Starting to understand what H&S involves; focused on incident management. SOME OF THE GROWTH WE SAW FROM 2019 TO 2020 WAS NOT SUSTAINED INTO 2021. HOWEVER, THERE HAS BEEN SUSTAINED GROWTH VS 2019 IN TERMS OF THE H&S SPECTRUM. DECLINES ARE EVIDENT ALONG THE LEAST DEVELOPED. WE SEE GROWTH AMONGST THE MOST DEVELOPED. HEALTH & SAFETY DEVELOPMENT PRIORITY

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