
2022 Health & Safety Leadership Survey White Paper

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©2022 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. All rights reserved. 10 VS 2019 E.S. RANK* Legislative compliance  66% +8 4 Reduced injuries & costs  63% -3 6 Low or reduced COVID infection rates  60% -7 1 Improved worker engagement generally  57% -6 4 Makes me a more attractive employer  32% +12 2 Improved reputation with clients/industry  31% +5 3 Higher COVID vaccination rates  31% — 9 Reduced downtime  31% +6 7 * E.S. = Employee Survey KEY SURVEY FINDINGS NEARLY ALL COMPANIES AGREE THAT THEIR HEALTH & SAFETY PROGRAM IS RETURNING BENEFITS. THOSE WITH LEADING H&S PLANS ARE THREE TIMES AS LIKELY (69% VS 19%) TO REPORT LOW OR REDUCED COVID INFECTION RATES AS A BENEFIT. "MAKES ME A MORE ATTRACTIVE EMPLOYER" HAS SEEN A JUMP VS 2020 AND 2019 ESPECIALLY AMONG THE MORE DEVELOPED HEALTH & SAFETY. KEY OBSERVED BENEFITS OF HEALTH & SAFETY

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