
2022 Health & Safety Leadership Survey White Paper

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WSPS.CA | 2022 HEALTH & SAFETY LEADERSHIP SURVEY WHITE PAPER 3 Employees have come through this experience with a deeper commitment to self-care and expectations of employers remain high. In fact, 92% of leaders indicated that employees view their own physical and mental health as higher priorities since the pandemic. Most leaders and business owners have the right intentions and want to meet those expectations. However, when you have just started out or you are trying to transition your business and you have a long journey ahead of you, it can seem overwhelming and impossible. That's why it is important to remember that every business is unique, too. Some of the respondents to this survey are new to the market, others have been around for 100 years. We have global participants and small, main street businesses all generously making time to share their experiences. Some are resource-rich and others have been clinging to survival through this crisis. Many have vast networks of support and others rely on government resources and BIAs to help them make decisions and take action. Whatever your situation, you can act on the information in this survey, and you can meet the expectations of a discerning workforce. You don't have to create a complicated, multi-pronged strategy to impact the wellbeing of employees and customers. Just start somewhere. It might be just one or two achieveable and meaningful steps that begin to transform your workplace and the sense of safety and wellbeing that your employees feel. Building a healthy and safe workplace culture begins by getting your head and heart around important conversations and building a plan. And as you'll see in this report, it is rooted in simple actions like starting the conversation, listening to one another, and co-creating a future that works for the entire team.

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