
2022 Health & Safety Leadership Survey White Paper

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Overview WSPS.CA | 2022 HEALTH & SAFETY LEADERSHIP SURVEY WHITE PAPER 5 OVERVIEW OF PARTICIPANTS CATEGORY DESCRIPTION 2021 2020 2019 Leading Health and safety is treated as a strategic priority. Information is reported publicly, and board decisions take into account the impact on health and safety. 17% 17% 12% Proactive Active board discussion and support aimed at enhancing management of health and safety. 29% 38% 28% Managing Focused on management of day-to-day health and safety. 34% 27% 33% Reactive Focused on addressing health and safety issues as they arise. Focus remains on incident rates. 16% 15% 22% Start of Journey Starting to understand what health and safety involves; focused on incident management. 4% 2% 4% Totals may not equal 100 as figures are rounded off. As in previous years, responses were broken down to capture where participating organizations fall in terms of the level of development of health and safety in their workplaces. In 2021, the number of respondents who indicated their organizations were Leading held at 17%. There was a drop in those who categorized themselves as Proactive, but the Managing category grew by seven percentage points to 34%, and the Reactive category grew to 16%.

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