
2022 Health & Safety Leadership Survey White Paper

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WSPS.CA | 2022 HEALTH & SAFETY LEADERSHIP SURVEY WHITE PAPER 7 KEY SURVEY FINDINGS HEALTH & SAFETY IS KEY TO SUCCESS AND SUSTAINABILITY Across all respondents (Leading to Start of Journey and all industries) 98% indicate that a robust health & safety strategy is important to overall business success. The same number—across all industries—agree that having a culture of health and safety is key to sustainability. EMPLOYERS WHO CREATE PHYSICALLY AND PSYCHOLOGICALLY SAFE WORKPLACE CULTURES ARE POISED TO WIN IN THE BATTLE FOR TALENT More than half of respondents report that attraction and retention is their biggest business challenge. It is now number one on the list of the top five challenges. There is near universal acknowledgement that ensuring employees' safety and wellbeing is key to attracting and retaining talent. And, 32% of employers— 12 percentage points more than last year – said that being viewed as a more attractive employer is a key observed benefit of a good health and safety program. Employers say they are losing employees due to preventable issues (71%). Both employers and employees agree that the primary reasons for leaving are increased workload and mental health. However, employers say the other primary reasons for departure are early retirement and the desire to stay on government benefits. Employees, on the other hand, attribute departures to the desire for increased flexibility, or, in cases where workload has increased, additional pay. LEADERS MUST BE STEADFAST IN THEIR COMMITMENT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY Overall, 82% say senior leaders are actively involved in health and safety. However, 96% of Leading organizations say leaders are actively involved, and 93% of Proactive respondents say the same. Only 82% of respondents, overall, say their leadership team understands the correlation between health and safety and business performance. Again, the numbers are much higher in Leading and Proactive workplaces at 99% and 92% respectively. Among challenges hindering the implementation of health and safety, lack of senior leadership support grew 14 percentage points to 25%. Lack of support across senior management is a particular issue for businesses in the Reactive (53%) and Start of Journey (56%) categories, and is felt most acutely in the retail (38%) and construction (36%) sectors.

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