
2022 Health & Safety Leadership Survey White Paper

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©2022 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. All rights reserved. 8 KEY SURVEY FINDINGS PRIORITIES ARE SHIFTING AS WE MOVE OUT OF CRISIS MODE With two years of living with and managing COVID under our belts, the pandemic has naturally dropped to number three on the list of top priorities. Nearly universally, respondents felt their organization had taken the appropriate steps during the pandemic (93%), marking an increase of 10 percentage points over the 2020 results. However, when asked about their primary focus in recovering from the pandemic, only 45% of respondents said they were focused on health and safety protocols. This is a significant drop compared to 82% in 2020. ORGANIZATIONS ARE STILL FIGURING OUT WHAT VACCINE STRATEGY MAKES SENSE FOR THEIR BUSINESS 79% of organizations say they offered some type of assistance to their staff to be vaccinated. Only 60% of employees felt this was the case. The top 3 forms of assistance employers say they provided were paid time off for getting the vaccine (51%), time off for recovery (49%), and connecting employees to resources (43%). However, employees felt differently about these measures. Only 32% of employees say they received paid time off to get the shot, 26% indicate they received paid time off for recovery, and 20% felt their employer connected them with vaccination resources. 75% of employers say they have asked about vaccination status of employees. Overall, one third of companies have a policy that mandates all workers must be vaccinated. EMPLOYEES AND EMPLOYERS AGREE THAT MENTAL HEALTH IS A TOP PRIORITY Managing mental health is described by 76% of participants as being very important to attraction and retention – a gain of 13 percentage points vs 2019. It also appears at the top of the list of concerns to be addressed immediately. However, only 76% of respondents say that preventing mental harm is part of their OHS program.

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