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Large Animal Handling Related Deaths Poster

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The Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a five-year, $3 billion investment by federal-provincial and territorial governments to encourage innovation, competitiveness and sustainability in Canada's agriculture industry. AGE OF FARMERS WORK OR PLAY? Percent of deaths f rom work and play: Percent of deaths by age: LARGE ANIMAL AGRICULTURE-RELATED DEATHS ONTARIO 1990– 2017 42 FARMERS IN ONTARIO DIED OF INJURIES FROM LARGE ANIMALS 38% INVOLVED HORSES INVOLVED CATTLE 62% 90% CRUSHED OR STRUCK 10% FALL FROM ANIMAL 84% WORK 5% 31% 64% UNDER 14 YEARS OLD 15 TO 59 YEARS OLD 60+ YEARS OLD 14% PLAY 2% UNKNOWN © Copyright 2022 – CASA | ACSA | REV: 07-2022 | 800-BKL-01-IAOT

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