
WSPS 2021 Annual Report

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15 | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport Keeping it "Safe for Work" – With Tik Tok taking over the world of social media, WSPS launched the Safe For Work (SFW) campaign on the platform in 2021. The goal is to engage young workers with the message of how to stay safe at work. Using short, creative videos that encourage viewers to think about health and safety, SFW earned 52,525 impressions in 2021-22. Plans are in place to ramp up the program in 2022-23 and beyond. Staying current with content – Committed to keeping businesses up-to-date on evolving topics in health and safety, WSPS produces a series of helpful articles each month. The articles are shared in digital newsletters, through stakeholder and community networks, and courtesy of partner media outlets. Some of the future-focused articles created in 2021-22 include: Gain insight from your employees with a post-pandemic listening tour 6 steps to climate-proof your business' emergency preparedness plan Pivoting your business model? Here's how to do it safely HELP DESK Keynote Speakers Experts Lounge Trade Show HEALTH & SAFETY ARTICLES 2021-22 72 articles created 6,657 page views for articles on WSPS.CA (since August 2021) 29,243 article pageviews on WSPS' COVID 19 Resource Hub 101 organizations that share WSPS articles* * Estimate based on how many indi- viduals/organizations WSPS sends articles to for distribution

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