
WSPS 2021 Annual Report

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5 | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport Accelerate customer solutions Maintain pace with customer needs as technology accelerates and businesses change. Digitize 50% of the most popular service offerings by March 31, 2022 – ACHIEVED: 100% (47 training and consulting offerings) of WSPS' most in-demand solutions were made available virtually. Over 15,500 participants joined 800 virtual sessions. Embed technology throughout the organization to generate greater value in the customer experience – ACHIEVED: Improve internal communication and customer service data management through identified technology upgrades – ACHIEVED: Develop and implement a digital skills learning plan for all team members Create direct relationships with workers through digital channels – RESULT: Low-touch digital impact increased to 80% of target with 2.02 million pageviews on WSPS websites. Create safer workplace cultures Foster the attitudes and behaviours that propel a workplace culture of health and safety. Integrate psychological health with physical harm safety and prevention – ACHIEVED: Healthy Workplace (HW) content*** woven into 10 service offerings as of March 31, 2022 – ACHIEVED: 10% increase in number of unique businesses engaged with HW content, reaching 116% of target Serve as the gateway to an extended network of prevention and safety knowledge sharing – ACHIEVED: Grew CEO Health and Safety Leadership Network registrations by 10% (176% of goal) as compared to 2019-2020 – ACHIEVED: Expanded alignment and composition of WSPS Safety Connection events, hosting 3,600 attendees (144% of target) * "high risk workplace" – those WSPS member firms that have high WSIB premium rates compared to the full WSPS membership **  "workers with high vulnerability" – vulnerability characteristics at the workplace include workers having minimal control over working conditions, little job security, low wages, no benefits, and exposure to health and safety hazards without adequate controls. *** "Healthy Workplace content" – content on topics such as mental health, violence & harassment, impairment, and others in WSPS' Healthy Workplace portfolio Protecting the potential of Ontario's businesses and employees by keeping every worker, healthy and safe, every day

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