
WSPS 2021 Annual Report

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 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services  | 6 The impact of the pandemic continues. In this time of continual change, businesses have been searching for inspiration on moving forward and helping their people adjust to shifting realities. WSPS is there to help. Asking the Questions – WSPS' second annual Health and Safety Leadership Survey – and its first annual employee survey – kicked off in November 2021. The employer survey is aimed at senior leadership and looks at key strategic concerns, including how COVID-19 has impacted health and safety practices and how firms are adapting their programs. Results were shared in a white paper in the summer of 2022. WSPS donated $1.00 to Threads of Life for each completed survey. Leading the Future of Work in Ontario – Ontario seeks to be the best place in North America to recruit, retain and reward workers. In support, WSPS' Executive Advisory Committee, comprised of representatives from 30 businesses across WSPS' sectors, met with Ontario's Workforce Recovery Advisory Committee (OWRAC) in September 2021. The objective was to provide feedback on the Leading the Future of Work in Ontario consultation, sharing recommendations on language barriers, flexible work arrangements, how safety should continue to be a top priority, and more. This was one of many consultations and industry/government research surveys WSPS Advisory Committees took part in over the year. Inspiring Leaders – In its 8th year, WSPS' CEO Health and Safety Leadership Network continues to bring cutting- edge information, dialogue, and community to senior leaders across Canada. Highlights from 2021-22 include: Leadership Blog – Developed in 2020 as a resource dedicated to psychological safety, the blog now addresses future-focused topics such as leader self-care, instilling hope and banishing burnout. Blog content, which earned over 21,000 pageviews in 2021-22, is crafted by WSPS and industry experts from Mental Health Commission of Canada, HowattHR and other sources. Exceptional Events – Virtual events offer opportunities to learn from leaders such as Cheryl Fullerton, EVP of People and Communications at Corus Entertainment. Ms. Fullerton was guest presenter at the Network's Taking a Behavioural Science Approach to Building a Resilient Culture event, co-produced by the Conference Board of Canada, in May 2021. The webinar attracted 184 attendees. Thought Leadership – The Network produced two new topical whitepapers on Valuing the Whole Person and Honing Intuition: Practice Builds Excellence. A Changing World MAKING THE LIST A CEO H&S Network whitepaper on The Role of Leaders in Building Inclusive Workplaces was recommended by Screening Canada as one of the Top 25 Workplace Diversity Resources for HR Professionals [2021].

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