
WSPS 2021 Annual Report

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 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services  | 8 Starting the Season in the Era of COVID-19 – With the pandemic stretching into its second year, farming operations were under increasing pressure to ensure the safety of workers. WSPS stepped in to help. With the support of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), WSPS assisted agri-food businesses in keeping workers – particularly international agriculture workers – safe from the risks presented by COVID-19. Through the development of policies and procedures, provision of safety training, and the creation of free resources, such as videos, in multiple languages, WSPS was able to digitally reach 186,289 individuals, connect with 633 companies, and engage 495 participants through information sessions. To empower workplaces to continue operating as essential services during the pandemic, WSPS also produced 15 short virtual training webinars. In March of 2022, WSPS translated an additional 7 videos/webinars to assist temporary workers coming into Ontario for the upcoming season. Farming operations and small food processors (up to 49 employees) could also access $2000 worth of WSPS consulting services towards the creation of a COVID-19 safety plan. The funding was available through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a five-year investment by federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen and grow Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector. 64 businesses accessed the funded consulting services and 169 businesses attended the free webinars to learn how to manage the risks. Supporting Sectors AGRICULTURE STAYING SAFE ON THE ROAD A series of videos produced by the Rural Road Safety Committee (Waterloo Regional Police Services, WSPS and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation) were awarded the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Road Safety Award for Collaboration! The videos cover topics such as distracted driving, performing safe turns, and more.

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