
WSPS 2021 Annual Report

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9 | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport Going Green – The greenhouse industry was one of WSPS' areas of focus in 2021-22. Curated Resources: Informed by industry stakeholders, a tailored suite of greenhouse health and safety resources was developed, the result of a multi-year Greenhouse Risk Assessment Project undertaken by WSPS with support provided by the Ministry of Labour, Skills, Training and Development (MLTSD) and WSPS. The resources were curated to help greenhouse growers address the top ten identified sector hazards and their associated root causes. Safety, Health and the Law for Greenhouses: As part of the above project, WSPS produced a new one-day training program to explain how the Internal Responsibility System (IRS) works and how to implement a management system to address high priority, industry-specific hazards and near misses. In the News: To get the word out about safety in greenhouses, WSPS secured earned media coverage such as: – Greenhouse work shouldn't hurt (Greenhouse Canada, August 2021) – Created for workers, this article focuses on four areas to prevent strain and discomfort on the job. – When Safety Takes Root (Greenhouse Canada, February 2022) – A comprehensive article featuring WSPS experts and case studies, reinforcing the benefits of investing in occupational health and safety. *Photos courtesy of Jeffery's Greenhouses Inc. Protecting a Farm's Greatest Asset – A new voice in farm safety was born in early 2022. In partnership with Glacier FarmMedia, WSPS launched Cultivating Safety: Protecting Your Farm's Great Asset. Released quarterly, it is part of Glacier's Between the Rows podcast. In each episode, WSPS agricultural experts address timely topics such as the stigma around farmer stress and mental health and preparing for the new season.

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