
WSPS 2021 Annual Report

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11 | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport De-escalation in Restaurants and Retail – COVID-19 fears and fluctuating requirements for related safety measures are ongoing considerations for many restaurants, food service, and retail operations. At a time when workers are increasingly fearful of potentially violent interactions with customers, businesses have been looking for guidance. To serve their needs, WSPS created content in many different formats in 2021-22. Here are some examples: Violence and Harassment Prevention – Situational Awareness & De-escalation – WSPS launched this half-day workshop in January 2022. It provides an overview of related legislative requirements and helps participants understand why it is more important than ever that effective violence and harassment policies and programs are in place. 5 de-escalation tips when responding to agitated customers – An article on WSPS.CA (March 2022) Violence and Harassment Prevention: De-escalation Tips – Small Biz Safety Podcast Episode (March 2022) What action can employees take to de-escalate a situation with a violent customer? A Safety Tip social media video – one of 6 short, helpful videos produced on the topic of Violence and Harassment HOT TOPIC In October 2021, WSPS Specialized Consultant (Healthy Workplaces) Kristy Cork provided helpful de-escalation tips for frontline workers on a CBC morning radio segment that aired across the country, from Newfoundland to Vancouver, over a two day period.

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