
WSPS 2021 Annual Report

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13 | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport Health and Safety Excellence program – 2021-22 was an impressive year for businesses enrolled in the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board's Health and Safety Excellence program (HSEp) through WSPS. Among approved Providers of the program, WSPS had the highest number of businesses enrolled (191). The WSPS HSEp team also launched a new community site for members, as well as initiated several critical changes to foster program efficiencies while enhancing member experience and success. To date, WSPS members have shared in a rebate of $2,419,405. Member success is a testament to their efforts in integrating health and safety into their business systems, while achieving financial rewards – in addition to advancing the ultimate goal of preventing workplace injuries and illnesses. Occupational Hygiene in the Spotlight – With COVID still top of mind for workplaces, WSPS wanted to remind employers that they must not lose sight of other workplace hazards. Managing heat stress, completing a designated substance assessment, and understanding the benefits of masks versus respirators – these are issues that need to be addressed. Enter WSPS' Occupational Hygiene Webinar Series – three 1.5 hour sessions held on three consecutive weeks in June 2021. The webinars provided 145 participants with practical tools and approaches to effectively recognize and control hazards; and offered insight into how to implement proper controls to prevent and minimize workplace hazards. MY NEW CO-WORKER IS SHINY WSPS' expertise in machine and robotics safety was the cover story for OHS Canada's Spring 2022 issue. The article – entitled My New Co-Worker is Shiny: Pandemic Accelerated the Adoption of Workplace Robots – featured WSPS Specialized Services Lead, Robert Vomiero, and examines technology as a key safety solution for the evolving workplace.

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