
WSPS 2021 Annual Report

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 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services  | 14 New Possibilities at WSPS.CA – WSPS' website was relaunched on August 23, 2021. A year later, the association has seen 1.7M page views across the site. The new Resource Hub offers +1200 items in a highly visual digital experience, with resources available for every stage of the OHS journey. New online community groups are providing an effective forum for closed online discussion, and an online store is effectively driving registration for training, events and eCourses. WSPS is also focusing on enhancing the website as a customer service channel. Since it launched, there have been over 2,300 customer inquiries for information and service requests directly from Additionally, over 10,000 new subscribers now regularly receive WSPS newsletters and informational emails, demonstrating that businesses and stakeholders see the association as a reliable source for staying on top of the latest in OHS. Virtual Conferences a Game Changer – WSPS switched its popular conferences to virtual platforms in 2021-22. Attendees were impressed by the quality of programming, which addressed the evolving challenges that businesses are facing and the role of health safety in building productive workplaces. 2021 Partners in Prevention Virtual Conference – The virtual version of WSPS' cornerstone national conference took place in May 2021. With a theme of Game Changers: Planning your next move in today's workplace, the event attracted an international audience of 875 participants from across North America, Europe and Asia. The feedback was extremely positive: "The opening and closing remarks and speakers were excellent. Very informative and the information was relevant to what is going on in the world today for people, being it personally or work related." (from post-event participant survey) Partners in Prevention Regional Conferences – WSPS held two virtual conferences in the fall of 2021, each featuring programs for the distinct needs of different regions in Ontario. The theme was Embracing Change. Emerging Stronger. Results from a survey of attendees at the Southern Ontario event show they were very satisfied, giving it a 4.4/5 satisfaction rating over a target of 3.5/5. The Northern Ontario event earned a 53 net promoter score (target is 30) and a 4.48/5 score on overall satisfaction. #workplaceculture #parttimejobs #safetyfirst #worksafety #worklifebalance Low Touch, High Impact RECOGNITION FOR SMALL BIZ SAFETY WSPS' podcast for small businesses was named as one of the "Best 10 Canadian Small Business and SME Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021" by The podcast earned 1995 downloads/listens from across Canada and the globe over the year.

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