
WSPS 2021 Annual Report

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Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Notes to Financial Statements March 31, 2022 6 The continuity of the accrued benefit obligation relating to the post-retirement benefit plan is as follows: Post Retirement Plan $ Employees' Supplementary Pension Plan $ 2022 $ 2021 $ Accrued benefit liability – beginning of year 21,448,900 1,667,000 23,115,900 19,920,400 Transfer of pension liability - - - 1,667,000 Current service cost 350,700 54,000 404,700 303,100 Interest on accrued benefit obligation 726,500 45,000 771,500 752,700 22,526,100 1,766,000 24,292,100 22,643,200 Actuarial (gain) loss (3,145,900) (155,000) (3,300,900) 1,402,900 Benefit payments (1,013,400) (25,000) (1,038,400) (930,200) Accrued benefit liability – end of year 18,366,800 1,586,000 19,952,800 23,115,900 Benefit plan expense Current service cost 350,700 54,000 404,700 303,100 Interest on accrued benefit obligation 726,500 45,000 771,500 752,700 Net benefit plan expense 1,077,200 99,000 1,176,200 1,055,800 The significant actuarial assumptions adopted in measuring the Corporation's employee future benefits are as follows: 2022 % 2021 % Discount rate – net benefit cost 3.40 3.80 Discount rate – accrued obligation at year-end 3.00 – 4.40 2.60 – 3.40 Annual rates of increase Extended health-care 5.37, decreasing to an ultimate rate of 3.57 5.37, decreasing to an ultimate rate of 3.57 Dental care 3.00 per annum 3.00 per annum Defined contribution pension plan The employer contributions made in the year amounted to $3,927,589 (2021 – $3,632,355), which are included in employee benefits in the statement of operations.

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