
WSPS 2021 Annual Report

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Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Notes to Financial Statements March 31, 2022 7 9 Internally restricted fund 2022 $ 2021 $ Fund for Employee Future Benefit Equalization Reserve 21,818,400 18,517,500 The Board approved an internally restricted fund as at December 31, 2015 for the amount of remeasurements and other items recognized in the statement of changes in net assets related to the Corporation's defined benefit post-retirement plan. In the current year, $3,300,900 in actuarial gain (2021 – $1,402,900 loss) resulting from the change in benefits during the year was transferred to this fund. This fund will be used to offset future actuarial losses. 10 Training and publication recoveries 2022 $ 2021 $ Consulting 2,553,024 2,384,738 Training 3,121,070 1,881,214 Excellence Program/Safety group 195,124 379,027 E-learning training 528,169 275,469 Safety literature and information services (safety products) 113,216 83,499 Conferences 209,290 81,889 6,719,893 5,085,836 11 Commitments The Corporation has operating leases for various office premises and equipment with minimum annual payments as follows: $ 2023 113,000 2024 113,000 2025 113,000 2026 75,000 414,000 12 Related party transactions The Corporation subleases its premises from CHSI and pays operating costs based on rented space. During the year, CHSI charged rental and operating costs of $1,534,876 (2021 – $402,366). Advances to CHSI as of year-end are $Nil (2021 – $1,843,225), of which $1,843,225 (2021 - $Nil) was deemed to be impaired during the year and included in finance charges and bad debts expenditure.

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