
WSPS 2021 Annual Report

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33 | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport At Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS), we consider all workplace-related injuries, illnesses, and fatalities to be preventable and unacceptable. Their elimination is the foundation of our vision: "Every worker. Healthy and safe. Every day." Our Occupational Health and Safety Management System has a related vision, which is to strengthen and sustain a culture of trust and respect to positively impact physical and mental employee wellbeing, and achieve organizational excellence through our people. At WSPS, we believe our people are our greatest asset. We are committed to the continual improvement of our OHSMS, using a process which ensures high standards of excellence for employees, volunteers, customers, and stakeholders. It starts at the top: senior management leads by example, supporting and maintaining a strong, transparent workplace culture, and sets OHSMS goals and objectives in support of effective management of risks and opportunities across the organization. As a leader in the field of health and safety, WSPS is dedicated to exceeding legislative and other requirements. Our people pursue good practices in occupational health, safety, and wellness, and bring to life a holistic strategy that considers culture and the personal health of its employees as paramount to organizational success. We believe in the principles of the internal responsibility system; all workplace parties have a shared responsibility in driving continual improvement through active worker participation and through consultation with our OHSMS, at all levels of the organization. Management and workers are accountable for complying with all relevant legislation, other OHS requirements and WSPS policies. Managers are also responsible for ensuring that safe and healthy work conditions are maintained and applying OHSMS policies and procedures in their areas of influence. This encourages our organizational culture to flourish. All workers are responsible for working safely and bringing forward any unsafe or unhealthy conditions, as well as opportunities for OHSMS improvement. Together, we will keep every worker healthy and safe, every day. WSPS Occupational Health and Safety Policy

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