
WSPS 2021 Annual Report

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7 | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport Future-Proofing Investments in Workplace Mental Health – WSPS has been participating in a Conference Board of Canada initiative to identify key areas of mental health programming that will be of most benefit to employees in companies across the country. The goal is to analyze organizational practices related to mental health and wellness programs and benefits, and outline how organizations can effectively implement workplace mental health efforts. Resources and tools, such as an impact paper, accessible web experience, and a series of podcast and/or video profiles will start rolling out in 2022. Taking Action to Prevent Mental Harm – The Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap project was a multiyear, collaborative initiative with WSPS, the Conference Board of Canada, and Howatt HR. The Roadmap is a user- friendly framework for workplaces starting to address psychological safety; those with some programming in place; and those that are trying to conform with requirements of the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. It will be a critical support for organizations as they emerge from the pandemic. As part of the Action Research Project in 2021-22, WSPS recruited nine firms of various sizes, representing diverse sectors, to provide input. Learnings will be applied to WSPS' workplace mental health consulting services and a Roadmap microsite launched in September 2022. Building Healthy Workplaces – In May 2021, WSPS held a series of well-attended interactive webinars to help businesses assist employees experiencing high stress, anxiety and isolation. Speakers shared best practices to engage staff, strategies to support a safe and positive workplace culture, and coping mechanisms to help employees achieve work-life balance. Topics included COVID-19 and Balance at Work: Impact, Progress, and the Future; Civility and Respect: Building Prevention Practices into Your Workplace Culture; and Social Connection and Well- Being: What Science and the Pandemic Tell Us. Psychological Health WHAT'S A PSYCHOLOGICALLY SAFE WORKPLACE? This short video, created by WSPS, shares what a psychologically healthy and safe workplace is and the benefits of working in one.

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