
WSPS 2021 Annual Report

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 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services  | 10 Studying Small Business – WSPS' Small Business team began supporting a Small Business Health and Safety Excellence program (HSEp) Study, initiated by WSIB and the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) in 2021-22. The objective of the study is to promote better understanding of what factors influence the success of small business health and safety and ultimately, what helps to reduce injury and illness. By the end of March 2022, WSPS had recruited 116 firms to participate. The project includes the development of new resources to support the study members along their journey. These resources will be added to the HSEp for the benefit of all members. Free Health and Safety Training – In July 2021, WSPS assisted MLITSD with the launch of a rebate program for small businesses (6-19 employees) who complete the Small Business Health and Safety Representative training program. The eCourse was developed by prevention system partners and is available on WSPS. CA. MLITSD is reimbursing businesses for the $25 course fee and $150 for the employees' time for training completed before March 31, 2024. Supporting Sectors SERVICES WSPS Senior Account Manager Jennifer MacFarlane and Leah McEachern from Brittles 'n More & The Fudgery Shoppe at the MLITSD's launch of the rebate program. Waterloo, Ontario

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