Guides & Toolkits

Masks Filtering, Face Piece and Fabric Coverings

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MASKS FILTERING, FACE PIECE, AND FABRIC COVERINGS RESOURCE 2 345-AZN-01-IGDO © 2020, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | FILTERING FACEPIECE RESPIRATOR SURGICAL MASK KN95 NON-MEDICAL MASK NON-MEDICAL MASK FACE SHIELDS PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT SOURCE CONTROL Fitting Tight fitting and is verified through a fit test and daily user seal check. Must not have facial hair Loose fitted, no verification. No mention of beard Tight fitting and is verified through a fit test and daily user seal check. Must not have facial hair Loose fitted, no verification. No mention of beard Loose fitted, no verification. No mention of beard Loose fitted, No verification. No mention of beard Air leakage when inhaling or exhaling? No air leakage, if fitted correctly, with no facial hair Does leak. Not intended to prevent air leakage If fitted correctly, for user wearing correctly, with no facial hair, should be no air leakage Does leak. Not intended to prevent air leakage Does leak. Not intended to prevent air leakage Does leak. Not intended to prevent air leakage Washable? No No No No Yes Yes Major concern Not currently available. Very expensive, and counterfeit product in market Limited availability. Very expensive, poor understanding on fit and use by general public Available. Ear loop style may not provide good fit for all users. Counterfeit products on market Available. Ear loop style may not provide good fit for all users. Counterfeit products on market Available. Anyone can make them with any material. Not tested nor approved. Too many variables Very expensive. Poorly understood by general public – It does not replace a mask. NOTE: Prior to using this table as a resource for controls, a workplace risk assessment must be conducted and the Hierarchy of Control must be followed. Protective Equipment of any kind is not the sole method of control. CAUTION: There are currently a variety of protective equipment on the market. Buyers should be aware that there are counterfeit products as well as non-certified products that are currently being sold. There are also products manufactured and certified by organizations outside of North America and may be effective in providing protection. Always use reputable sources for purchasing protective equipment. Wearers with pre- existing breathing conditions should consult their physician before using respiratory protective equipment. WSPS.CA

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