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Masks Filtering, Face Piece and Fabric Coverings

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MASKS FILTERING, FACE PIECE, AND FABRIC COVERINGS RESOURCE 4 345-AZN-01-IGDO © 2020, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Seek guidance for your industry or trade on current advice during the shortage of protective equipment during the pandemic. The CDC has provided directions for the health care sector on this matter for length of use and re-use of surgical masks. The current guidance during the pandemic is quite different due to the shortage of equipment and its availability. The worker must take care not to touch their facemask. If they touch or adjust their facemask they must immediately perform hand hygiene. Be advised that non-medical face coverings are not designed or manufactured or tested to any standard and no single guidance can be applied across the board. Typically filtering facepiece respirators have and continue to be used in industry for extended timeframes to protect the wearer from industrial contaminants, without noted adverse effects from extended use over a work shift. Q. What is the risk of bacteria accumulation on the coverings and the risk related to that to the worker? The risk of bacteria is ever present in our environment, the current pandemic is based on the virus SARS-CoV-2. The risk arises if the wearer touches surfaces or their face covering, and do not wash or sanitizing their hands. Hence, the secondary benefit of face covering to act as a barrier or reminder to those who inadvertently or habitually touch their face, mouth, nose or eyes. The reusable non-medical fabric face coverings should be washed with soap and water and follow the manufacturer's direction and dried. Inspect for damage or wear and tear prior to re-use. Discard if damaged. Q. What is the risk of reduced oxygen due to the face covering over an 8 hour shift? Hypoxia is defined as the lack of oxygen. Hypoxia is not a known or observed issue with the use of filtering face pieces or surgical masks in the literature. Hence, it could be extrapolated that fabric face coverings would not cause hypoxia. It's not a leap in faith that the user is wearing a permeable fabric face covering. It is commonly misunderstood that discomfort during the use of any face covering etc. leads to heat build-up and varying degree of breathing resistance and does not constitute hypoxia condition. The micro climate within the mask can become uncomfortable with moisture building up inside of the mask. Exercise caution when wearing masks in hot, humid environments, or during physically demanding work, to avoid the effects of added heat strain on the wearer. Q. Can a KN95 mask be fit tested? Yes, as it is considered a tight fitting respirator. The actually pass rate may vary compared to N95 mask due to the ear loop design. Ensure you purchase your masks from the approved manufacturers list published by the FDA. WSPS.CA

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