Guides & Toolkits

Psychological Safety Resources for Leaders during COVID-19

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PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY RESOURCES FOR LEADERS DURING COVID-19 3 © 2020, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Managers Have a Role to Play in Preventing Suicide Growing fear and social disconnect are expected to increase the risk of suicide. This post offers guidance to leaders who are supporting employees contemplating life-ending decisions. To see all posts, visit Videos, Webinars and Podcasts The Boiling Point – Dr. Bill Howatt and David Veale share stories and research and talk with leading experts to help listeners understand and act toward protecting mental health and preventing mental harms at work. Tactics for Maintaining Mental Fitness during the COVID-19 Pandemic – (Offered by CSSE) is a weekly webinar series examining behaviours for maintaining mental fitness. Mental Health and COVID-19 – (Offered by CBoC) Each of these 5-7 minute-videos, offered by the Conference Board of Canada, covers a specific theme and provides tips and ideas for managing mental health in this time of isolation. Support Tools, Programs and Services BEACON – (Offered by Green Shield Canada and Manulife) A digital therapy program provided with guidance from a team of clinical psychologists, available free to all Canadians. Starling Minds COVID-19 Program – (Offered by Starling Minds) A confidential online therapy program to help people combat stress, worry and anxiety related to the pandemic. Mental Fitness Practice – (offered by UNB) An online course designed to help individuals develop a personal mental fitness plan Pathways to Coping – (offered by UNB) This course is a structured developmental program designed to improve personal coping, problem-solving and decision-making skills. WSPS.CA

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